QuickClaim for transport
October 18, 2023How to use QR technology to improve your NDIS claiming
October 18, 2023Some of our customers provide SIL. They make SIL service claims each fortnight on a Roster of Care, but there are often ad hoc days of community access because residents are sick or it’s a public holiday.
Previously, they had to pull data from their scheduling software, fix it on an excel sheet and upload it to PRODA and then to Xero for export as an ABA file for a payrun.
They then had to manually reconcile what was provided in their scheduling software with what was claimed via the Rosters of Care for the purposes of audit.
Now, it’s all in one place. Our SIL providers can claim instantly with the NDIA against their residents’ Rosters of Care, and use our interface to make small (or large) adjustments. They don’t need any spreadsheets at all.
They can also see week-to-week what they’re providing. Nearly all our customers supply more than they claim for – so this allows them to see any discrepancy in their rostering, and to either adjust accordingly, or claim for what was reasonable and necessary service provision.